The Little Paris Bookshop
"The Little Paris Bookshop" follows the journey of Jean Perdu, a Parisian bookseller who operates a floating bookstore on a barge along the Seine. Haunted by lost love and a deep sense of longing, Jean embarks on a quest to heal his own heart and the hearts of those he encounters, discovering the transformative power of literature and love along the way. With its charming setting, colorful characters, and poetic storytelling, the novel is a poignant exploration of grief, healing, and the magic of books.
Shakespeare and Company
Paris, France
Imagine shelves overflowing with international languages, bibliophiles buzzing with excitement, and Jean's unique approach to book "prescriptions" taking center stage. Here, Jean and Max's contrasting philosophies on literature and life spark an unlikely friendship, setting the stage for their individual transformations.
Literary Apothecary on the Seine
Paris, France
Moored along the Seine, Jean's beloved barge serves as his home, bookstore, and platform for his unique book "prescriptions." It's here, amidst the gentle current and the city's heartbeat, that he interacts with customers, offering solace and hope through carefully chosen books. Witness moments like his heartfelt interactions with Marianne, showcasing his intuitive approach and the transformative power of reading.
Jardin du Luxembourg
Paris, France
Amidst the tranquil beauty of this Parisian oasis, statues become silent witnesses to Jean's vulnerability. He shares his heartbreak with Catherine, revealing the source of his emotional turmoil and paving the way for personal growth. This introspective moment amidst the serene greenery marks a turning point in his journey.
Pont Neuf
Paris, France
Standing on this historic bridge, Max gazes across the iconic cityscape, overcoming writer's block in a symbolic moment of creative breakthrough. The majestic backdrop of Paris fuels his inspiration, reflecting his own journey of self-discovery.
Pont Alexandre III
Paris, France
This ornate bridge, adorned with angels and nymphs, becomes a backdrop for self-discovery for Max. Gazing at the Seine flowing beneath, he finds inspiration for his writing, overcoming his creative block. Witness his moment of artistic breakthrough, symbolized by the bridge's grandeur and the river's constant flow.
Le Marais
Paris, France
While not an actual street, Rue Montagnard embodies the charming essence of the Marais district. Jean's emotionally stagnant apartment resides here, representing his past. However, a chance encounter with a new neighbour becomes the catalyst for change, prompting him to confront his past and embark on a transformative journey. This fictional street serves as a microcosm of personal growth and new beginnings.
Café de Flore
Paris, France
Perched on the Left Bank, this iconic cafe offers a glimpse into Jean's past. Sitting by the Seine with Catherine, their conversation delves into the pain of lost love, revealing Jean's vulnerabilities and setting the stage for emotional healing. Witness their intimate connection blossom as they share secrets and dreams, the river silently flowing alongside their journey.
Follow along on the map
See where the book takes place in Paris.